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Getting ready for Rotterdam

Eurovision 2021 is fast approaching!

Once again OGAE UK’s vision team will be providing coverage of the build-up to the contest, with a daily blog, a daily video update via Zoom/YouTube and updates on our social media platforms. We’ll also, of course, be focusing on James Newman’s preparations as he gets ready to take to the stage with the brilliant Embers.

As in recent years, Hass Yusuf and Danny Lynch will be leading our coverage, assisted by Alasdair Rendall. We’re also delighted to have representation “on the ground” in Rotterdam from Adrian Murphy – welcome to the team!

Do check our website for daily updates, and check the members area (or a forthcoming Cardskipper/email update) for details of the daily Zoom chat. If you can’t make the Zoom we’ll also be uploading the video to our YouTube channel.

So get ready to #OpenUp and let the fun begin!


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