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Despite the fact that we have not yet received any details of OGAE tickets for Malmo 2024, in accordance with our recent emails, we will be opening applications for the OGAE UK ESC24 ticket ballot on 15 November.  The application window will be open until 23:59 on Thursday 30 November.

As previously communicated, members are not automatically entered in the ballots and each individual member must apply separately EVEN IF YOU HAVE A JOINT OR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP.  Successful applicants will be offered the opportunity to buy one ticket/ticket package for their own use.

When applying for the ballot, members must acknowledge that they have read and accepted the OGAE UK ESC23 ticket ballot terms and conditions set out below.

There will be two separate ballots as follows:

Ballot 1

The primary ballot is for members who joined before 31 October 2022 and who have maintained their membership since then.  Members qualifying for this ballot will generally have membership numbers between 1001 and 9152.

95% of any tickets allocated to OGAE UK will be reserved for this ballot.

Ballot 2

The secondary ballot is for members who joined between 1 November 2022 and 15 November 2023. 

Members qualifying for this ballot will generally have membership numbers greater than 9053.

5% of any tickets allocated to OGAE UK will be reserved for this ballot


Members joining after 15 November and any member without an OGAE International membership card on 30 November 2023 will not be eligible for tickets.  Members who choose to be paired with other members who qualify for a different ballot will both be allocated to ballot 2.

Below you will find guidance notes setting out how the ballot system will work.  After the guidance notes you will find this year’s ballot terms and conditions.



Once ballot applications open on 15 November 2023, please log on to


You will need to select “Your Membership” and then under the Option section “My Details” select the

“View or Edit” button.  Once you pull up all your details, at the bottom of the screen you will see an “Edit” button, push this and you will then see a field relating to the ballot.

In order to apply for the ballot you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Please tick the box entitled “I wish to apply for the ESC24 OGAEUK Ticket Ballot”. By doing so you acknowledge that you have read and accept the ballot terms and conditions (see below).
  2. State the name of anyone you wish to be paired with in the ballot (joint members are NOT automatically paired). Both people must pair with each other.
  3. Provide the OGAE UK membership number of the person you wish to be paired with. This is the 4 or 5 digit number shown on membermojo or on the bottom right of their membership card
  4. Provide your own OGAE International membership card number. These numbers have recently changed so you will need to check your card.  The numbers begin UKD-24 followed by a combination of four letters and numbers.  Please type in the card number exactly as it appears on Cardskipper including any hyphens.
  5. Please select the type of ticket you prefer. The options being:
  • Standing or Sitting
  • Standing only
  • Sitting only
  • Accessible – Ambulant
  • Accessible – Wheelchair
  1. Please select the shows that you are interested in. The options being:
  • LIVE shows ONLY
  • JURY shows ONLY
  • FAMILY shows ONLY
  • LIVE or JURY shows
  • LIVE or FAMILY shows
  • JURY or FAMILY shows

Please remember to hit “save” at the bottom of the screen.

You will not receive an application confirmation, but you can always check your application by logging on to membermojo and reviewing your profile.

The ballot entry field is set to “no” by default.  By ticking the box you change that to “yes”.  We do not issue emails confirming that you have entered the ballot, but you can log on at any time and check that your application has been saved, when the summary page will read “I wish to apply for the ESC24 OGAE UK Ticket Ballot: yes”.

If you do not have a membership card, please complete this FORM or contact by 20 November 2023 at the latest.  You will have to wait until your query is resolved and you have a card number before you can complete your ballot application.

We do not issue cards for children under 16 years of age.  If you are entering any under 16s in the ballot then please put UNDER 16 in the card number field.  Please note that tickets for the standing areas are not usually available to people under-16 but details have not yet been confirmed.

Please note that if you do not enter an accurate UK card number your application will be rejected.  Similarly, your card must be a UK one and not one issued on behalf of any other OGAE national club.

The ballot entry field is set to “no” by default.  By ticking the box you change that to “yes”.  We do not issue emails confirming that you have entered the ballot, but you can log on at any time and check that your application has been saved, when the summary page will read “ESC23 OGAE UK Ticket Ballot: yes”.



Once the ballot application window closes at 23:59 on 30 November 2023 no further applications will be accepted.

We will then check and verify the information provided and will allocate each applicant a ballot entry number.  These are the numbers that will be drawn during the actual ballot process.

We will provide all applicants with details of which ballot they have qualified for along with their ballot entry/ticket number.  Members will have an opportunity to appeal if they feel they have been placed in the incorrect ballot.



Details have not yet been confirmed but we expect/hope to be offered three types of ticket package.

  • LIVE shows (1 ticket to EACH of the live semi finals and final).
  • JURY shows (1 ticket to each of the main evening rehearsals on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Nowadays these shows are often referred to as the “evening rehearsals”.
  • FAMILY shows (1 ticket to each of the afternoon rehearsals on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday). These shows are often referred to as the “afternoon rehearsals”.

Tickets can only be bought as a package.  The individual tickets within the package cannot be split and used by anyone else.  OGAE tickets will be personalised, and packages can usually only be resold to other club members in exceptional circumstances.

Please be aware that the price of Live show ticket packages is usually in the range of €1000.

We will communicate package prices as soon as they are available, and members will then have a short window to update their preferences on Membermojo or indeed to withdraw from the ballot.



We will draw the ballots as soon as all the applications have been checked and verified and the necessary administration completed.  Both ballots will be drawn electronically using an excel macro with appropriate witnesses.

The order in which ballot numbers are drawn will be published.



Once ticket numbers and prices are known, tickets will be allocated according to people’s stated preferences.  Successful members will be contacted in the order to confirm their choice.



We do not yet know when ticket sales will begin but we expect to not be given much notice, so it is essential that members check their emails regularly and/or refer to our facebook group.

We will provide more information as soon as it is available.

Similarly, we have no details of how seating arrangements will work, although we will do all we can to ensure that friends/partners can sit together.

It is probable that successful members will be given a link and a unique code to buy the relevant ticket package allocated to them.

Any member who is offered tickets through the ballot, accepts the offer, is issued with the relevant code, but then fails to complete their purchase may be barred from future ticket purchases.



At this stage we do not know if there will be any age restrictions applicable to the ESC shows.  Even without formal restrictions we would advise against having under-18s in any standing area/fan zone that might be available.  We also advise that all under-18s should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Only adult family members may apply for the ballot.  If the adult family member(s) is/are successful in the ballot they will be allowed to select up to two under-18’s from their family membership to accompany them, but they will have to buy packages for each individual regardless of age.  The under-18s do not need to apply individually for the ballot.

Families with young children are reminded that it may be more appropriate to try to buy tickets to the Family Shows on the afternoons immediately preceding the live shows.



Just as with standard tickets, there is no guarantee that special access tickets may be available through OGAE.  As usual, OGAE International has requested accessible tickets and any that are offered to OGAE will be subject to an allocation between national clubs just like other tickets.

If applications exceed the number of accessible tickets available, we will hold a separate ballot to determine who gets the tickets.

TERMS & CONDITIONS                                                                                                                             


  1. The ballots are open to all current members of OGAE UK as of 15 November 2023. All members wishing to participate must complete an individual application.
  2. Members must be in possession of a current OGAE International membership card when entering the ballot.
  3. Honorary members are not permitted to enter the ballot.
  4. Any fan tickets offered to OGAE UK by OGAE International will be allocated to applicants in the order determined by the ballots.
  5. OGAE fan tickets shall be offered strictly on a one member, one ticket basis, members cannot buy fan tickets for other members or non-members.
  6. ONE fan ticket package will be reserved for each OGAE UK Committee member regardless of the ballot. If the Committee member does not accept the package, it will be made available for the ballot.
  7. OGAE UK cannot guarantee that fan tickets will be made available or that standing, seating or accessible preferences can be met.
  8. No ballot applications will be accepted after 30 November 2023. Members without a valid OGAE International membership card on 30 November 2023 may not buy any tickets resold by members.
  9. Members who belong to more than one branch of OGAE may only apply for fan tickets through one club – their primary club. Multiple applications will result in disqualification.  OGAE International will check to ensure duplicate applications are not made.
  10. Any member who is successful in the ballot and is formally offered fan tickets but then fails to make the relevant purchase may be disbarred from all OGAE UK ticketing processes for the next two years. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the OGAE UK Committee, and the member will be notified of any action if any, is to be taken.
  11. The host broadcaster and ticket agent shall determine the price and nature of fan tickets offered through OGAE.
  12. OGAE fan tickets or ticket packages may only be used by current OGAE members and cannot be split or re-sold except as permitted by the organisers.
  13. Any member who passes on or sells fan tickets without the prior agreement of OGAE UK may be disbarred from participating in future OGAE UK ticketing processes and be liable to have their membership terminated.
  14. OGAE UK will not be responsible for e-mails going into spam folders or for e-mails which are unread. It is the responsibility of applicants to check their e-mail account on a regular basis.
  15. It is the responsibility of the individual applicants to keep OGAE UK informed of any changes relating to telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Changes should be made on Membermojo.
  16. Any member who is likely to be away from home at the time fan ticket requests need to be finalised must ensure that they can access their e-mail and mobile phone so that any offer and allocation can be confirmed immediately.
  17. Prices and arrangements for the actual purchase of fan tickets by successful applicants are determined by the organisers and are entirely outside the control of OGAE UK.
  18. OGAE UK will not be responsible for any fan tickets that are lost or defaced, cancelled or withdrawn at any time, or for refusal of admittance to any of the shows by the organisers.
  19. OGAE UK will not be responsible for any changes made by the host broadcaster after the issue and allocation of the fan tickets, up to and including the time of broadcast, or for any obstructed or restricted viewing in the arena caused by the demands of a live television show.
  20. OGAE UK cannot and will not be held responsible for any financial losses incurred by members in connection with fan tickets under any circumstances, including but not exhaustive of travel, accommodation, and other related costs.
  21. OGAE UK reserves the right to modify or add to these terms and conditions without notice. Any such changes will be notified as soon as possible to those members entering the ticket ballots.
  22. All personal information provided by members in connection with the ticket ballot will be treated in accordance with OGAE UK’s data protection policy. Members give their permission for their details to be shared with the relevant ticket agents as necessary to facilitate purchases.
  23. By joining the ballot, members agree to their names being included in the ballot results list and circulated to all applicants.

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