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Dear Members,

Following the recent nomination process we have five candidates for OGAE UK President. These are:
Eddie de Souza, Marc Mulligan, James Penrose, Sam Rabey and Scott Ross.
In addition there were five nominations for the three general positions on the OGAE UK Committee. These are: Bonni Champou, Danny Lynch, Elgan Morgan, Fin Ross Russell and Robin Scott.
Therefore in accordance with club rules an election will be held for these positions. Voting will  close
31st October at 23:59 GMT.

In addition the following posts were unopposed:
Secretary/Treasurer – Simon Bennett
Vision Editor – Hassan Yusuf
Editor in Chief – Laragh Kedwell

In order to ensure a fair election, OGAE UK operates a ‘no campaign’ policy, therefore candidates have been asked to not campaign via social media. Instead there will be a hustings which is provisionally planned for 23 and 24 October.

Below are the manifestos for the positions up for election.
Manifestos for unopposed candidates will be made available from 1st November.
Members will have received an email from Tom Hughes, our Election Co-ordinator via Survey Monkey with a voting link. Please note you need to CLICK on the form in order to open the full ballot paper.

Any issues with opening manifesto documents etc, please do not hesitate to contact Tom.

OGAE UK Elections 2024

There are five candidates for OGAE UK President:

– Eddie de Souza

– Marc Mulligan

– James Penrose

– Sam Rabey

– Scott Ross

In addition there are five candidates for THREE General Committee positions

– Bonni Champou

– Danny Lynch

– Elgan Morgan

– Fin Ross Russell

– Robin Scott

Before voting in the elections you may wish to read the manifestos from the candidates as OGAEUK runs a ‘no campaign’ policy. Instead there will be hustings which are provisionally planned for 23 and 24 October.


Manifestos for the role of President

Eddie de Souza

Thanks to Smash Hits in early 1994, i discovered OGAE UK in the fan club section of the magazine and was over the moon, a few weeks later to receive my first vision magazine, with Frances Ruffelle on the cover. Since then OGAE has been the spark I needed to not just connect with other fans but also attend the contest for real and make life long friends.

My day job is a Director for Arts Council England, responsible for grant giving and customer facing functions.  And while this takes up a lot of my time, I think it’s time for me to give something back to the community which has supported me since 1994 and the contest I’ve loved since the 80s. And that’s why I am asking for your support to become President of this great fan club. 

We must all remember that the committee members are volunteers – we don’t own them. And those committee members, both past and present have and are doing an amazing job. From Vision and the ticket ballot, to Eurobash and answering the hundreds of questions we all have, we must all remember they do have lives like us!

Just as Eurovision has changed and developed over its near 70 year history, as President I think it’s time for change and development. My current ideas are:

*Just as the membership has increased, I think the size of the committee needs to increase to provide an efficient and effective service to the membership. I don’t know how they deal with all the questions about tickets and power banks. The committee should also be reflective of the membership. 
*A survey to ask the membership what they really want from the club. The committee might not be able to enact all suggestions but it’s good to reflect on what the members actual want.
*It’s great to see many regional meet up groups set up and flourishing. Like during Covid, we should have more online events like quizzes and AGM so as many people can connect.
*A review of our online presence – what’s the best way to get information to members, attract new members and facilitate chat between members.
*A code of respect for members. No matter if you are Team Nemo or Team Baby Lasagne – everyone has the right to their own opinion and to be respected. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn’t mean they are wrong. 

I hope this gives you a flavour of my thinking. It would be an honour to be President of this great fan club and community and represent our voice to the BBC and further afield.

I hope I can count on your support and let’s all hope for a UK victory in Basel next May. Thank you for your time and long live the ESC!



Marc Mulligan

Hi I’m Marc.

I’ve been a member of OGAE UK for over 9 years and am hoping to fill some pretty big shoes in becoming the club’s president.

I’m the one that you’ve probably seen jumping way too enthusiastically to Loin D’ici or more recently waving my Lithuania flag at anyone who looks remotely interested and telling them my husband is Lithuanian hoping that I sound somewhat exotic.

I have a little bit of a soft spot for Austrian, French and Swiss entries (nope I’ve never been to the Alps!!!). But more recently have also been a big supporter of Lithuania and not just for the reason above!

My day job is a “Quality Manager” for an at-arms-length government body. I’m responsible for the compliance and quality delivery of multi-million pound government funded free-to-user financial advice and guidance. It involves working with multiple internal and external stakeholders, producing clear step-by-step instructions on processes and designing new processes to test the quality of the work.

Previously I have been a radio journalist working for 5Live, BBC Sport and local radio stations as well as a training consultant in the financial services sector – so I’m very comfortable, adept and professional in public speaking.

The first thing I promise to do as president would be to lead on a full review of our processes, policies and products. As part of this I would be looking to conduct a comprehensive member survey to see what exactly it is you want from your membership. I would like the whole committee to come on this journey with me and will utilise everyone’s experience and expertise too.

I really believe the review and survey feedback should inform any changes we make in the future and so wouldn’t want to make any further promises beyond that at this time. I hope you’ll agreed a sensible, measured and carefully considered approach to any change is the way to go.

That said, there’s also a lot of things the club already does brilliantly – Vision magazine being a case in point. I’ve certainly no appetite for change ‘for change’s sake’ and would like to keep it in the high quality format it is in currently. Having said that, your views should also form part of the Vision strategy moving forward.

Finally, I’m humble enough to be able to say I don’t know everything – far from it. And so I’m a great believer in surrounding yourself with great people, no matter what level you are at or where you are in life. That’s why I’m going to ask for your views and that’s why if I were to become president I would continually want to seek advice from those in the know and with lived experience – it’s these people who can provide the best insight and so it should be utilised. This of course includes (but is not limited to) accessibility and inclusion.

That’s all from me for now. Please do reach out if you have any questions.

Ačiū, tack et merci.



James Penrose

  1. Lead by Embracing the Passion, Creativity, and Commitment of our Club

Eurovision is more than a contest—it’s a celebration of diversity, culture, and music that unites millions. I’m running for President of OGAE UK because I believe we can take the fan club to new heights with stability and sustainability. I joined OGAE UK in 1993 and have experience attending Eurovision live since 2006.

I created and founded the Malmohagen Eurovision Pre-Party in Copenhagen in May. I believe I bring a unique set of experiences which can lead OGAE UK into the future. I have lived and worked in six different countries and am also a member of OGAE Denmark. As President, I will foster an inclusive, vibrant space where voices are valued. I will survey you, the members to shape our strategic vision. My experience as a Human Resources Director and volunteer in LGBTQIA and a EBU ESC improvement workstream gives me the skills and experience to coordinate the committee with boldness and energy. I will ensure the sustainability of our club through thoughtful budgeting and accessibility initiatives.

  1. Represent the UK Fan Community on the Global Stage

As President, I will proudly represent OGAE UK at the Eurovision contest, media interviews, and OGAE International meetings. My public speaking experience, including winning a European Parliament debating competition and holding two law degrees, ensures I can confidently advocate for the club. I have worked as accredited press in Malmo and have built relationships with country TV delegations as well as organizing ‘Coronavision’ online during the pandemic and London Cinema Preview Parties. I will ensure OGAE UK has a visible presence at Eurovision events, from National Finals to the Grand Final.

I will be an active participant in the OGAE International Presidents’ Board, voting on important issues while ensuring your voices are central to decisions. Regular updates in Vision magazine, quarterly reports, and open communication will keep you informed. I understand the challenges of cost and accessibility and will make OGAE UK an inclusive space that adapts to modern realities while staying true to our shared love of Eurovision.

  1. Engage and Include the Uniqueness of Our Fanbase

My goal is to create more opportunities for fans to get involved. Whether through events, trips, or digital forums, I want every member to feel special. I’ll work with the committee to build deeper connections through fan media, digital platforms, and local meet-ups, such as Eurovision Pre-Parties now in Manchester and London. Having lived across the UK, I believe harnessing the energy of local events is key to our success.

I already dedicate my time to making Eurovision one of the most exciting passions in the world. I will adapt and seek feedback from you as needs evolve. By leveraging my existing relationships across the OGAE network internationally and in Europe, we’ll create a club that celebrates Eurovision and the fans who make it special. Together, we will be fit for future and have fun!



Sam Rabey

Hello, OGAE UK, Cornwall Calling; my name is Sam Rabey, and I have been a member for 9 years. 

I have seen the best of this club and the worst over the years, and when approached by multiple members wishing me to stand, I couldn’t say no. 

My Experience – I am a local independent councillor and deputy mayor of the city of Truro in Cornwall. My strong leadership on various committees has meant we have got stuff done in a lengthy system. Being one of the younger councillors, I have shown maturity and earned respect from older members. I was also heavily involved in the local music scene putting on events for my band and others.

My Plan – after speaking to members, the group needs a lot of change. I would like to add more committee members with the possibility of the role of Vice President being added (as most organisations have one). This would share the workload and be more diplomatic, and if some members can’t make a meeting, we have enough members to vote.

We must revamp the website, it’s very outdated, and we have no FAQ page, which I’m sure would help the committee (definitely the secretary) to inform members on ticket packages, renewal of membership and anything else that is asked a lot. It would be good if the website was more of a main focus for our news.

This leads to Facebook. The last year has seen some hateful comments and bullying towards members by other members. I do not mind light-hearted debate, but the behaviour has crossed the line and is not acceptable. I will look to implement a 3 strikes rule to bar persistent members who break the rules. Possibly banning members for a couple of months to full bans.

I would also introduce a monthly newsletter to all members who allow emails to let them know what’s going on in the Eurovision world, fan club news and most importantly, events.

I would also like to implement changes so we can have ‘One and All’ at our events. I would look at disabled access at events so everyone can enjoy the community they are part of.

Lastly, I would look to reinforce the regional fan clubs and hopefully look to support members in creating new ones. We have some great regional representatives and have been speaking to others who want to set up, their own in their areas. Maybe this could be tied into the extra places on the committee.

Summary – I hope you will vote for me as I will provide Strong Leadership, a Plan For The Future and, most importantly, be Approachable if ever needed for a friendly chat or enquiry. I hope to be at the debate but if you can’t make it please message me to get answers to any questions you may have

Thank you for your consideration



Scott Ross

I extend a heartfelt thanks for considering my manifesto for OGAE UK President.

I want to begin by acknowledging the hard work of Alasdair, Vaughan and Sean in recent years and the foundations that have been laid by previous committees.

Eurovision unites us, but as each of us know, Eurovision changes, it adapts and moves forward. The same can be said about life – it changes, we adapt and move forward. Our beloved fan club is no exception to that rule. It too faces changes; we’ll adapt and move forward together.

Change is necessary; for new ideas, new ways of working and new ways to consider how best to manage things moving forward; how best to help our members with accessibility needs; how best to simplify communications; and how best to make this fan club a safe and positive space for every member regardless of your background, status, location, colour, faith and identity. 

We are Eurovision, and Eurovision is us. 

I’m a devoted Eurovision fan, but I have experience in organising major events, as vice chairperson of a prominent Scottish festival for 16 years, that I feel uniquely qualifies me for this role. Spearheading a sellout programme of events, managing a social media presence for 10,000+ followers, experience in ticket sales, sponsorship opportunities, and regular media engagement.

My Eurovision journey spans more than 30 years. Evolving from an eager 11-year-old watching Sonia in Millstreet to attending every contest since Malmö in 2013. I cherish the opportunity to connect with fellow fans, aspiring to foster inclusivity through interviews, regular quizzes, and potential podcasts – all to celebrate our diverse Eurovision journeys.

In a rapidly changing world, I hope to counteract online negativity by proposing a new approach towards social media – creating a safe space for members new and established. I propose streamlining communications, emphasising quality over quantity. Membership growth is crucial, and I envision each member encouraging a friend to join – strengthening our OGAE family.

In advocating for inclusivity, I pledge to ensure everyone feels welcome, whether participating in events or engaging through social media. I am committed to revamping the ticket ballot process, exploring fair and simple options to enhance the experience for all.

Over the years, I’ve been interviewed by various media outlets and am open to communication. My role is to be your voice at OGAE UK, addressing your concerns and bringing a positive, united approach to the Eurovision community. In addition, working closely with our European OGAE partner clubs to build solid links. I’m a good hearted, approachable individual so please feel like you can reach out to me; after all our mutual love for Eurovision is what connects us.

To summarise, here are some keys headings I want to focus on – 

Dare to Dream – Being the fan club we want to be

Building Bridges – Connecting Fans

All Aboard! – Everyone Welcome

We Are One – A Positive Group

#JoinUs – Membership

Open Up – Communication

Feel Your Heart Beat – Ticket Ballot Process

United by Music – Reach out to me



Manifestos for the General Committee roles

Bonni Champou

I have worked in the events and music industry for my whole career, recently in an Events Coordinator role for People’s Postcode Lottery. 

My recent role involved remote event planning in various locations across the UK. I was responsible for production teams travelling the country and have organised events for thousands of attendees. I am well versed at sourcing venues, suppliers and building relationships across many industries. I often work to tight deadlines, with three to four weeks to remotely plan events or with some larger scale events I would have the opportunity to travel and recce suitable venues.

I was also head of internal social events within my recent role – project managing a team of 20 people to deliver multiple events each month. I have coordinated many teams in the planning of events and believe in facilitative leadership. 

I currently work as a freelance event manager and have my own entertainment company in which I host pub quizzes across venues in Edinburgh. I am a comfortable public speaker and as an extrovert really thrive within my chosen industry due to the ability to build connections and encourage people to have fun! 

I hold a BA (Hons) Degree in Music Business, a HNC in Events and this year completed a further qualification from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) in Managing Safely in Exhibitions and Events. My IOSH qualification gives me extensive knowledge of the legal requirements in operating events.

My degree gives me a strong understanding of the music industry and requirements involved in the production of shows which I think will pair nicely with events like EuroBash. I am comfortable in all aspects of the management of an event – from risk assessments, schedules, ticketing, advertising and of course making sure artists have their riders, I hear Jedward love sushi?! 

Through my experience, I have managed social media accounts, created marketing and promotional material and have contributed to many other aspects within the creative industries and as an elected committee member I would be more than happy to support or facilitate other projects. 

My love of Eurovision paired with my extensive experience and education will give me great momentum in enhancing the current yearly programme of events OGAE UK operates. Having attended the last three contests, including OGAE events I know that my creativity and enthusiasm would bring a great addition to what you already do. I will be a fair and honest committee member, always putting our members first so that we can all come together to share the moment, open up, dare to dream and be united by music!



Danny Lynch

I am excited to re-stand for the position of General Member of the OGAE UK Committee, bringing nine years of dedicated service to our community. My journey includes roles such as Ticket Coordinator from 2015 to 2021, a member of the Eurobash Organising Committee since 2015, and a General Member since 2021.

Enhancing Member Experiences

As Ticket Coordinator, I spearheaded the introduction of OGAE UK’s first online ticket application process and ballot system, streamlining the ticket allocation experience for our members. My collaboration with OGAE International ensured that any issues were resolved swiftly, keeping our members informed and engaged. With my extensive knowledge in ticketing, I am well-equipped to assist with any future ticketing responsibilities.

Building Community Through Social Media

I also have a strong background in social media management. Since founding and administering our Members Facebook Group in 2019, I have helped to foster a vibrant community of over 3,500 members. This platform has become a vital space for fans to connect, share, and socialise, which is increasingly important as our members are spread across the country.

If re-elected, I aim to further enhance our social media presence. This includes creating an even more welcoming atmosphere on Facebook, by introducing regular themed posts and interactive content on our Facebook Group to spark conversations and encourage participation. This could include polls about favourite songs, discussions on past contests, and previews of upcoming events. I also propose implementing weekly “Spotlight” features, where we highlight different members, their favourite Eurovision moments, or their unique contributions to the community. This will foster a sense of belonging and celebrate our diverse membership.

To reach a broader audience, I will focus on revitalizing our presence on other platforms, such as Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) by creating visually engaging content, including countdowns to Eurovision events, behind-the-scenes glimpses of our committee activities, and member-generated content showcasing their Eurovision experiences.

Creating Memorable Events

My experience in planning and hosting Eurovision events has been immensely rewarding. As part of the Eurobash Organising Committee, I’ve helped deliver successful events that celebrate our passion for Eurovision. Additionally, I launched Scotland’s first regular Eurovision party night, “Ne Party Pas Sans Moi,” which has grown to host over 100 attendees at each event, receiving fantastic feedback.

If re-elected, I would work to diversify our event offerings beyond the traditional meetups. This may include virtual watch parties, trivia nights, and collaborative events with other Eurovision fan clubs. I also plan to reach out to local Eurovision Societies to host joint events, broadening our network and encouraging more members to get involved. My goal is to ensure that every OGAE UK member has the opportunity to participate in at least one gathering each year, regardless of location.

A Vision for the Future

In conclusion, I am committed to working alongside the newly elected committee to make OGAE UK an even better home for our members. I will advocate for regular feedback sessions with our members to understand their interests and ideas for future initiatives. By creating an open dialogue, we can co-create events and projects that resonate with the community. This approach will not only make our events more appealing but will also empower members to take ownership of our club’s activities.

Together, we can enhance our community, celebrate our shared love for Eurovision, and ensure that every member feels valued and connected.

Thank you for considering my candidacy!


Elgan Morgan

Hi, I’m Elgan. I live in Cardiff, am a Welsh speaker, and have been a member of OGAE for almost a decade. My love of Eurovision started while still in primary school, when I discovered this wondrous programme on the little black and white television in my bedroom. I was, and still am, enthralled by the concept of countries across Europe all presenting a song, often in their own language, before voting on the best one, while people from across the world all sat down at the same time to watch.

Bringing people together

For me Eurovision is all about people coming together – and being a member of OGAE has meant I’ve been able to connect with so many others from the UK and across the world, both online and in person.

If I was elected as a member of our OGAE committee my goal would be to bring more people together:

  • to increase the size of our club, and
  • to provide more opportunities to engage.

Skills and Experiences

I’m putting my name forward as I believe that the broad range of my skills and experiences would make me a perfect General Committee Member.

My current day job is as Operations Manager for a political party in Wales. This includes:

  • Organising Events: I organise two weekend-long conferences a year, each attended by around 200 people. I make the arrangements with the venue, advertise the conferences to members and take bookings, arrange speakers and prepare all the paperwork.
  • Updating the Website: I keep our website up to date, and make sure that anyone reading it can find the information they need, and that the information is clear.
  • Internal Communication: As well as sending emails and interact on social media, I design and send hard copy newsletters.
  • Organising Stands at Events: I organise our stands at events such as the National Eisteddfod, Royal Welsh Show and Pride, making sure that we have the materials needed to attract new members.
  • Internal Elections: I act as returning officer for committee elections, inviting nominations, organisjng the voting and overseeing the count.

In a previous job, working for the Chamber of Commerce in South Wales, my role included:

  • Surveying Members: Using online tools to find out what members wanted and working with others to deliver that change.
  • Press & Media: I wrote press releases and was regularly interviewed on tv and radio.
  • Attracting Sponsorships: I would find businesses to sponsor our events, often attracting thousands of pounds.

Thank You

Thank you for considering my application to join the OGAE UK team. I hope you’ll be able to support my goal to bring Eurovision fans from across the UK together.



Fin Ross Russell

It’s been an honour and a privilege to serve on the OGAE UK committee over the last three years. During my time on the committee, we’ve overseen the incredible experience of the UK hosting Eurovision by ensuring that the fan engagement at Liverpool 2023 was second-to-none. As part of this, we’ve also welcomed in many, many new members into our OGAE UK family, strengthening our reputation as a country with a very deep love for Eurovision. This added attention has also seeped into our engagement with the wider OGAE competitions with new records being set on votes cast for the OGAE poll as well as our leading the charge to boycott the OGAE Song Contest 2022 over Russia’s participation. I am immensely proud of the work this committee has achieved amidst complicated circumstances for Eurovision.

 That said, this election is about looking forward to the next three years to decide the direction we want for the OGAE UK committee. Whilst we have made many positive impacts over the last three years, as a result of turnover in committee members, we have struggled to achieve as much as initially envisioned. Although I feel proud of the work I’ve done in coordinating our Competitions engagement (successfully handing over our learning on hosting the OGAE Song Contest over three consecutive editions to OGAE Australia before securing our eighth contest victory and successfully hosting Belfast 2024), I’ve learned that being an OGAE UK committee member means getting involved with anything and everything that arises. Looking forward to the future in the context of the last three years, I have identified among other issues that:

  • Our website needs more of a maintenance structure so that we continue to keep it both regularly updated and fix any issues that arise.
  • Our ticketing system needs to be streamlined with less reliance on Simon’s kindness and generosity with his time.
  • Our social media groups need more structure in order to maintain them as positive online spaces for sharing a love of Eurovision.

Whilst I don’t claim to have specific solutions to these problems, I promise that if I’m elected as one of your General Committee members, I will apply myself to finding the best answers to any questions that arise. I will work tirelessly alongside all other committee members to listen to members and continue striving towards making OGAE UK the best Eurovision club in the world. If that means co-opting members with specific expertise to support on club issues, using club funds to pay for state-of-the-art transparent balloting software or developing an online code of conduct for the club, I will be always act swiftly and decisively as part of the committee team in response to the needs and desires of our membership. 

Whether it’s during or after this election, I encourage members to get in touch with committee members with any questions or concerns about the club, we work on your behalf, so your satisfaction is our highest priority



Robin Scott

I have been working and involved in media all my adult life. I presented and produced programmes for the first commercial radio station in Northern Ireland and, through Downtown Radio, was first accredited to present daily, live reports from the Eurovision Song Contest, which I have done for over 30 years.  This required me to be well-organised and ready for the pressures of a live broadcast.

 In 2015 I was asked to be part of the original team setting up Community Radio in Belfast and, in addition to being part of the Production Team (Presenting and Producing programmes), I run the Commercial Production Area, which involved recording, creating, scripting and producing in-house advertisements. That also included proof-reading scripts, requiring an excellent use of language. I am a good communicator, and am used as a ‘sounding board’, being known to be a realist who will constructively assess pros and cons.

I have been a member of OGAE for well over 20 years. My passion and love of the contest is well known throughout the Eurovision community.   I am very much a team member with the patience, dedication, skill and aptitude to provide a valuable input to OGAE-UK committee, and who would work well with others to the benefit of the club. I care that the membership gets the best possible service.

I love providing many types of support and time for OGAE-UK over the years. This included the majority of audio and video presentations for the Annual Bash, reports from The Eurovision Song Contests on location (whether accredited  for the club or other media.  My experience in media has seen me work regularly with the Vision Editor , interviewing many of the year’s artists, including the British Consul in Kyiv in an exclusive in the Ukrainian capital city.

I have appeared on television as regularly as an  ‘expert’ guest and been the go-to radio correspondent for both BBC in Northern Ireland,Scotland and other areas of the UK.

In our previous election I was successful in being added to the numbers of our committee and, despite recent serious illness, have not let this affect my commitments to our work. I am always approachable and consider myself as a good team member.

It’s important that someone in my role is adaptable and has a wide ranging set of skills including a wide ranging use of social media but not just being an expert in several fields but having the passion and dedication for the roles. I have one of the largest, high quality libraries of Eurovision material to be able to provide for many events and be have the contacts as well as a depth of knowledge.

I can always be accessed through social media.

I am happy to work on any projects allocated to me and build up my knowledge ”on the job’.


About Author

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