Ahead of this Friday’s Eurovision You Decide, OGAE UK has been speaking to the six acts in contention. We start with the two performers of Freaks, MAID and Jordan Clarke.

So where did the name MAID come from?
We liked it because it was representing the under-dogs!
It’s quite a task to find a band name, because every strong empowering name has been taken and every version of that name has been taken. And that’s not too surprising, as I think that’s what people naturally go to because they want that strength.
So we realised that wasn’t a possibility so we went for something different. We went down the ranks, and if we can’t have the most powerful name then what would be below that? We got to MAID and we thought “that’s kind of nice”. We’ve all felt like underdogs in life at some point.
You guys got together, in drama school didn’t you?
Yes, we got together because we all wanted to be creative.
How did you get involved in all this Eurovision malarkey?
We were approached. We were found on Instagram, and the producers liked what we were doing and wanted to see what we would do with one of the songs they have, so we made Freaks our own thing.
We wouldn’t say that we sing big anthems, we love the harmonies and we like to be a bit different.
Was it difficult for you to adapt a style to a song that wasn’t yours from a beginning?
It was certainly an interesting challenge.
We’re used to singing our own songs, which is easier as you have fewer people to please in that respect. It was an interesting challenge to put our own style into Freaks. We really want to push the vocals to come out in the harmonies in the live performances.

Jordan Clarke
What’s your first impression of the madness that is the Eurovision bubble?
Well it’s definitely chaos, and I wasn’t expecting it!
This is the first press event since the release this morning, and its been snowballing. For the first time I actually got a prang of nerves. Everyone’s song was released this morning, so the competition’s out!
Joking aside, everyone’s song sounds great, I love what everyone’s done with it. Music is like Lego – there is no right and wrong. You can see that with the different artists’ versions, just how different they are. Mine and MAID’s are like chalk and cheese.
Does it make it more difficult or is it easier to compete against the same song but done differently?
It’s an interesting question, but I don’t think it has any bearing. I don’t think the format will make any difference in terms of the competition. Either way I’ll be a nervous wreck and will be dead silent for the ten minutes before the performance.
How did you get involved with Eurovision You Decide?
I’ve been singing since I was a kid. I was really lucky and got a scholarship to a performing arts school.
It was always between singing and acting for me. For my first few years it was was acting, but then it meandered into music. I got signed into a management deal when I was 16, ended up getting into the band which was on Britain’s Gt Talent. And the music path has carried on from there.
What was the impact of doing Britain’s Got Talent?
It definitely put me on the path of doing big stages and big shows. For a singer there’s really nothing like it. I knew that this was something I had to pursue. In the meantime I’ve been chipping away, doing jobs to earn money to pay the bills which allow me to carry on pursuing music.
Our record at Eurovision lately hasn’t been great – but how do you mentally prepare for not winning!
I’d relate it to any moment in real life. If you’re going for a job interview or buying a lottery ticket, it’s fun and a good opportunity but anything else is a bonus. As long as I do my mum proud!
Whatever happens at EYD, what’s next for you?
Well I don’t think I’m going to stop signing any time soon. Hopefully this can be a dream come true. I’m really peased and grateful I’ve been given the opportunity – and we’ll have to wait and see!