A notice was placed on the OGAE UK asking for nominations for the OGAE UK committee posts, for a three-year term commencing on June 16th 2018.

For three of the posts, only a single nominee was nominated and I therefore confirm that the following shall take office for a period of three years until June 2021:-

Alasdair Rendall: President
Simon Bennett: Secretary and Treasurer
Hassan Yusuf : Editor of Vision

For the remaining two posts, there was more than one candidate nominated and therefore there will be an election held to determine which candidate shall take up the post from June 2018. The candidates for the posts (in alphabetical order) are:-

Gordon Lewis
Jamie McLoughlin

Ticket Co-ordinator
David Holt
Danny Lynch

Each candidate has made public their manifesto which can be found attached to this page.

The voting period will be from April 1 til April 30 and any member of OGAE UK who was a paid-up member as at 31 January 2018 may vote in the election. Voting forms and details of how to vote can be found on the website from 1st April.

Marcus Keppel-Palmer

Election Co-Ordinator

OGAE UK Election Manifestos

OGAE UK Committee Positions


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