I, Marcus Keppel-Palmer (OGAE UK member 287), hereby give notice that I have been duly appointed under the OGAE UK Constitution to act as Election Co-ordinator for the OGAE-UK Executive Elections 2018.

I confirm that I am not a member of the Executive, nor am I standing for a position on the Executive.

I hereby give notice that anybody who wishes to stand for election for one of the following positions:-

The President
The Secretary & Treasurer
The Vision Editor-in-Chief
The Vision Editor
The Ticket Coordinator

shall complete and return to me (as Election Co-ordinator) the Nomination Form (to be found as an attachment at the bottom of this notice) by no later than 6pm on 1st March 2018.

These officers are elected by the membership. The terms of office shall be three years, commencing on 15th June in the year of election. No one individual may serve more than three consecutive terms as President. Job descriptions are set-out in the document below, please read this carefully.

Successful nominees must:

• Have been members of OGAE UK for at least two consecutive years prior to the expected start of the term of office.
• Have been endorsed/seconded by at least two other members of OGAE UK.
• Provide a brief (less than 600 words) summary of their manifesto.

In the event that only one individual is nominated for a particular post, they will be deemed to have been elected, subject to the full agreement of the Committee.

Where there is more than one nominee, the Election Coordinator shall post their manifestos on the OGAE UK website.

Please note that voting, as well as nominating and seconding candidates is only open to members who joined OGAE UK on or before Wednesday 31st January 2018.

Full details of where to submit the form are contained in the form.

Dated: 1st February 2018

Marcus Keppel-Palmer
Election Co-ordinator

OGAE UK Nomination Form 2018

OGAE UK Committee Positions


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